Political Science New Books

generated: Dec 22, 2024 at 07:30am
TitleAuthorCall Number
A social history of Western political thought Wood, Ellen Meiksins, author. JA81 .W65 2022
ACFT Army Combat Fitness Test for Dummies : Book + Online Videos. Papple Johnston, Angie. JS3
ANC'S EARLY YEARS nation, class and place in south africa before 1940. Limb, Peter. JQ1998
Achieving Public Sector Agility at Times of Fiscal Consolidation. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Administrative Simplification in Viet Nam : Supporting the Competitiveness of the Vietnamese Economy. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Administrative Simplification in the Netherlands. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Asia Anti-corruption Reforms in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : Progress and Challenges, 2009-2013. Publishing, OECD. JN96
Behavioural Insights and Public Policy Lessons from Around the World. OECD. JF1525
Better Regulation in Europe : Italy 2012. Publishing, OECD. JA66
Beyond the ivory tower : the case for civically engaged political scientists Davis, Richard, 1955- author. JA88.U6 D38 2023
Border abolitionism : migrants' containment and the genealogies of struggles and rescue Tazzioli, Martina, author. JV6225 .T39 2023
Castle on a hill : the Visegrad Group, regionalism, and the remaking of Europe Fawn, Rick, author. JN96
Challenged sovereignty : the impact of drugs, crime, terrorism, and cyber threats in the Caribbean Griffith, Ivelaw L., author. JC327 .G738 2024
Citizens as Partners : Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making. Publishing, OECD. JF799
Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Volume 2018 Numéro 1 - Principaux agrégats. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Conflict and Fragility : Gender and Statebuilding in Fragile and Conflict-affected States. Publishing, OECD. JZ6300
Connecting with Emigrants A Global Profile of Diasporas 2015. OECD. JV6019
Consequences of Corruption at the Sector Level and Implications for Economic Growth and Development. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Critical geographies of resistance JC328.3 .C737 2023
Cutting Red Tape : National Strategies for Administrative Simplification. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Dare to speak : defending free speech for all Nossel, Suzanne, 1969- author. JC591 .N677 2021
Decentralization and local government : a Danish-Polish comparative study in political systems JS6161
Decolonial Sweden JV3527
Decolonial archival futures McCracken, Krista, author. JV305 .M36 2023
Decolonizing classroom management : a critical examination of the cultural assumptions and norms in traditional practices JV152
Defending democracy in an age of sharp power JC480 .D434 2023
Denmark : OECD E-government Studies. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Dialogues on Democracy. Maskivker, Julia. JC423
Die fehlenden Unternehmer 2014 - Politiken für ein integrationsförderndes Unternehmertum in Europa. Publishing, OECD. JN15
Digital Government Excellence : Lessons from Effective Digital Leaders. Sikkut, Siim. JF1525
Digital authoritarianism in the Middle East : deception, disinformation and social media Jones, Marc Owen, author. JF1525.P8 J664 2022
Disorder and Public Concern Around Globalization. Amendola, Mario. JZ1318
Distributed Public Governance : Agencies, Authorities and other Government Bodies. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
E-Government Imperative. Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. JF1525
Eco-emancipation : an earthly politics of freedom Krause, Sharon R., author. JA75.8 .K73 2023
Erfolgreiche Integration. OECD. JV6217
Evaluating Laws and Regulations : The Case of the Chilean Chamber of Deputies. Publishing, OECD. JL2665
Evaluation Guidelines for Representative Deliberative Processes. JC423
Examens de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique : France : Une perspective internationale sur la Révision générale des politiques publiques. Publishing, OECD. JN2597
Fighting Corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia : The Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan--Progress and Challenges. Publishing, OECD. JN96
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies Kazakhstan : Kazakhstan. Publishing, OECD. JQ1090
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Armenia 2005 : Armenia. Publishing, OECD. JQ1759.3
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Azerbaijan 2005 : Azerbaijan. Publishing, OECD. JQ1759.5
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Kyrgyz Republic 2005 : The Kyrgyz Republic. Publishing, OECD. JQ1092
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Tajikistan 2005 : Tajikistan. Publishing, OECD. JQ1093
Fighting Corruption in Transition Economies, Ukraine 2005 : Ukraine. Publishing, OECD. JN6635
Finland. Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. JN7395
Fiscal Federalism 2014 : Making Decentralisation Work. Publishing, OECD. JS113
Former combatants, democracy, and institution-building in transitory societies : Kosovo and North Macedonia Bekaj, Armend, author. JZ5538
Forum mondial sur la transparence et l'échange de renseignements à des fins fiscales : Monaco 2018 (Deuxième cycle) - Rapport d'examen par les pairs sur la demande d'échange de renseignements. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Foundations and American political science : the transformation of a discipline, 1945-1970 Hauptmann, Emily, author. JA84.U5 H37 2022
Free thinker : sex, suffrage, and the extraordinary life of Helen Hamilton Gardener Hamlin, Kimberly A., author. JK1899.H36 H36 2020
Getting Infrastructure Right A framework for better governance. OECD. JF1351
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes : Botswana 2019 (Second Round) Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Request. OECD. JQ2760
Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews : Malta 2012 Phase 1: Legal and Regulatory Framework. OECD. JN13
Global Security Risks and West Africa : Development Challenges. Publishing, OECD. JZ6009
Globalisation and Emerging Economies : Brazil, Russia, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa. Publishing, OECD. JZ1318
Globalisation, Poverty and Inequality. Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. JZ1318
Globalisation, Transport and the Environment. Publishing, OECD. JZ1318
Government at a Glance 2011. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Government at a Glance 2013. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Government at a Glance : How Hungary Compares. Publishing, OECD. JN2057
Government at a Glance : Latin America and the Caribbean 2017. JL960
Government at a Glance : Latin America and the Caribbean 2020. JA71
Government of the Future. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Greece : Review of the Central Administration. Publishing, OECD. JN5016
Gérer les conflits d'intérêts dans le secteur public : Mode d'emploi. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Hamletics : Shakespeare, Kafka, Beckett Cacciari, Massimo, author. JA71 .C225 2023
Identity politics past and present : political discourses from post-war Austria to the Covid crisis Wodak, Ruth, 1950- author. JA85.2.A9 W63 2022
Identités nationales et identités régionales : dans l'espace de la francophonie européenne et nord-américaine des années 1960 à nos jours JC312 .I33 2022
Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic : International Laws, Policies, and Civil Liberties. Morag, Nadav. JC571
Implementing the OECD Principles for Integrity in Public Procurement : Progress since 2008. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Improvising reconciliation : confession after the truth commission Charlton, Ed, author. JC580 .C43 2022
Indo-Pacific and ASEAN : new balances and new challenges for Asian integration and stability JZ5333.5
Inequality and the European Union : new frontiers in political science and law JC599
Influencers, online alliances and reconciliation in Southeast Europe : #Balkans Stepanović, Ivana, author. JZ5597
Innovation Imperative in the Public Sector : Setting an Agenda for Action. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave. OECD. JF799
Integrity for Good Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. OECD. JL959.5
Interactions entre politiques publiques, migrations et développement au Maroc - Publishing, OECD. JV8978
Interactions entre politiques publiques, migrations et développement en Côte d'Ivoire - Publishing, OECD. JV9020
Interest groups and lobbying : pursuing political interests in America Holyoke, Thomas T., author. JK1118
Interest groups in American politics : pressure and power Nownes, Anthony J., author. JK1118 .N68 2023
International Drivers of Corruption. OECD. JF1081
International Migration Outlook 2011. Publishing, OECD. JV6035
International Migration Outlook 2016. Publishing, OECD. JV6035
International Migration Outlook 2017 - Publishing, OECD. JV6019
International Migration. Keeley Brian, Brian. JV6035
Internationale Migration. Keeley Brian, Brian. JV6035
Is the Last Mile the Longest? Economic Gains from Gender Equality in Nordic Countries. OECD. JV8198
L'intégrité dans les marchés publics Les bonnes pratiques de A à Z. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN INDIA the panchayati raj. Srivastava, Vinayak Narain, author. JS7009
La cohérence des politiques au service du développement 2007 Migrations et pays en développement. Publishing, OECD. JV6217
Le financement de la démocratie - Financement des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales et risque de capture de l'action publique. Publishing, OECD. JF2112
Les Migrations Internationales. Keeley Brian, Brian. JV6035
Les indicateurs de gouvernance : Usages et abus. Publishing, OECD. JF60
Making sense of human rights Nickel, James W. JC571 .N49 2007
Making sense of human rights Nickel, James W. JC571 .N49 2007
Managing Conflict of Interest in the Public Sector : A Toolkit. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Matching Economic Migration with Labour Market Needs. Publishing, OECD. JV6217
Mexico's E-Procurement System : Redesigning Compranet Through Stakeholder Engagement. OECD. JF1525
Migration from Nigeria and the future of global security Abumere, Frank Aragbonfoh, author. JV9022 .A28 2022
Ministerial Advisors : Role, Influence and Management. Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. JF1525
Ministry of truth : democracy, reality, and the Republicans' war on the recent past Benen, Steve, author. JA85.2.U6 B4634 2024
Moderniser l'État : La route à suivre. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Modernising Government : The Way Forward. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Monarchie im 19. Jahrhundert Wienfort, Monika, author. JC375 .W54 2019
Nations before the nation-state : between city-state and empire from antiquity to the present Schön, Anna Marisa, author. JC311
Nuclear Energy Data 2012 / Données sur l'énergie nucléaire 2012 - /. Publishing, OECD. JZ5538
OECD Best Practice Principles for Regulatory Policy : The Governance of Regulators. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews : Austria 2015. Publishing, OECD. JC362
OECD Development Co-operation Peer Reviews : Iceland 2017 - Publishing, OECD. JC362
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government Review of Argentina Accelerating the Digitalisation of the Public Sector. OECD. JF1601
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government Review of Brazil Towards the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector. OECD. JL2429
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government Review of Morocco Laying the Foundations for the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in Morocco. OECD. JS100
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government Review of Norway Boosting the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector. OECD. JN7480
OECD Digital Government Studies Digital Government in Chile – Improving Public Service Design and Delivery. OECD. JL2629
OECD Digital Government Studies Open Government Data Review of Mexico Data Reuse for Public Sector Impact and Innovation. OECD. JL1229
OECD Economic Surveys : European Union 2014. Publishing, OECD. JN30
OECD Economic Surveys : European Union 2016. OECD. JN30
OECD Employment Outlook 2019 The Future of Work. OECD. JN1129
OECD Fiscal Federalism Studies Fiscal Decentralisation and Inclusive Growth. OECD. JS113
OECD Multi-level Governance Studies Making Decentralisation Work A Handbook for Policy-Makers. OECD. JS113
OECD Principles for Integrity in Public Procurement. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
OECD Public Governance Reviews : Estonia and Finland Fostering Strategic Capacity across Governments and Digital Services across Borders. Publishing, OECD. JN6615
OECD Public Governance Reviews : Finland 2010. Publishing, OECD. JN7395
OECD Public Governance Reviews : Slovak Republic:Developing a Sustainable Strategic Framework for Public Administration Reform. Publishing, OECD. JF1601
OECD Public Governance Reviews Decentralisation and Multi-level Governance in Kazakhstan. OECD. JQ1090
OECD Public Governance Reviews Engaging Public Employees for a High-Performing Civil Service. OECD. JF1601
OECD Public Governance Reviews Innovation Skills in the Public Sector Building Capabilities in Chile. OECD. JF1525
OECD Public Governance Reviews Kazakhstan : Review of the Central Administration. Publishing, OECD. JQ1090
OECD Public Governance Reviews National Schools of Government Building Civil Service Capacity. OECD. JF1601
OECD Public Governance Reviews Northern Ireland (United Kingdom) : Implementing Joined-up Governance for a Common Purpose. OECD. JN1572
OECD Public Governance Reviews Open Government Scan of Lebanon. OECD. JQ1828
OECD Public Governance Reviews Open Government in Biscay. OECD. JN3221
OECD Public Governance Reviews Preventing Policy Capture Integrity in Public Decision Making. OECD. JF1351
OECD Public Governance Reviews Public Procurement in Nuevo León, Mexico Promoting Efficiency through Centralisation and Professionalisation. OECD. JF1525
OECD Public Governance Reviews Public Procurement in Peru Reinforcing Capacity and Co-ordination. OECD. JF1525
OECD Public Governance Reviews Skills for a High Performing Civil Service. OECD. JF1601
OECD Public Governance Reviews The Implementation of the Palestinian Code of Conduct Strengthening Ethics and Contributing to Institution-Building. OECD. JQ1830
OECD Public Governance Reviews Towards Efficient Public Procurement in Colombia : Making the Difference. Publishing, OECD. JL2831
OECD Public Integrity Handbook. OECD. JA71
OECD Public Management Reviews - Ireland : Towards an Integrated Public Service. Publishing, OECD. JN1457
OECD Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections Toolkit. OECD. JF1351
OECD Territorial Reviews Delineating Functional Areas in All Territories. OECD. JF1351
OECD e-Government Studies : Egypt 2013. Publishing, OECD. JQ3831
OECD e-Government Studies Belgium 2008 : Belgium 2008. Publishing, OECD. JN6184
OECD e-Government Studies Hungary : Hungary. Publishing, OECD. JN2018
OECD e-Government Studies Turkey : Turkey. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
OECD e-Government Studies, Mexico 2005 : Mexico. Publishing, OECD. JL1229
Objectif développement : Migrations, transferts de fonds et développement. Publishing, OECD. JV6118
On lying and politics Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975, author. JA79 .A725 2022
On settler colonialism : ideology, violence, and justice Kirsch, Adam, 1976- author. JV185 .K53 2024
Opportunities for All - A Framework for Policy Action on Inclusive Growth. Publishing, OECD. JZ1318
Pacted democracy in the Middle East : Tunisia and Egypt in comparative perspective Moulay Hicham, Prince of Morocco, 1964- author. JQ1758.A91 M58 2022
Peer Reviews : Switzerland 2013. Publishing, OECD. JC362
Performance-related Pay Policies for Government Employees. Publishing, OECD. JF1661
Perspectives des Migrations Internationales 2014. Publishing, OECD. JV6019
Perspectives des migrations internationales 2010. OECD. JV6001
Perspectives des migrations internationales 2011. Publishing, OECD. JV6035
Perspectives des migrations internationales : SOPEMI 2008. Publishing, OECD. JV6001
Perspectives des migrations internationales : SOPEMI 2009. Publishing, OECD. JV6001
Persuading the public : the evolution of popular presidential communication from Washington to Trump Pluta, Anne C., author. JA85.2.U6 P59 2023
Platforms, power, and politics : an introduction to political communication in the digital age Klinger, Ulrike, author. JA85 .K55 2024
Plato's Second Republic : an essay on the Laws Laks, André, author. JC71 .L35 2022
Policy Framework on Sound Public Governance Baseline Features of Governments that Work Well. OECD. JF1525
Political catchphrases and contemporary history : a critique of new normals Gupta, Suman, 1966- author. JA85 .G87 2022
Popular culture, social media, and the politics of identity Clapton, William, 1984- author. JA75.7
Post-Public Employment : Good Practices for Preventing Conflict of Interest. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Power : a radical view Lukes, Steven, author. JC330 .L68 2021
Preventing Violence, War and State Collapse : The Future of Conflict Early Warning and Response. Publishing, OECD. JZ6368
Profile of Immigrant Populations in the 21st Century : Data from OECD Countries. Publishing, OECD. JV6201
Promesses et limites de la démocratie électronique : les défis de la participation citoyenne en ligne. Publishing, OECD. JF799
Promoting the Digital Transformation of African Portuguese-Speaking Countries and Timor-Leste. OECD. JF1525
Public Procurement Review of the State's Employees' Social Security and Social Services Institute in Mexico. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Public Sector Leadership for the 21st Century. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Public policy in India Chakrabarty, Bidyut, 1958- author. JQ229
Quitting the nation : emigrant rights in North America Schlereth, Eric R., author. JV6435 .S35 2024
Recruiting Immigrant Workers Recruiting Immigrant Workers : New Zealand 2014. Publishing, OECD. JV6271
Regierung und Verwaltung auf einen Blick 2013. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Regional Integration in Africa. Publishing, OECD. JQ1873.5
Reshaping Decentralised Development Co-operation The Key Role of Cities and Regions for the 2030 Agenda. OECD. JS113
Rethinking e-Government Services : User-Centred Approaches. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Review of International Regulatory Co-operation of the United Kingdom. OECD. JZ1318
Review of Models : Anti-corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Roads Not Taken Progressive Populism in Historical Perspective. Kimmel, Michael, author. JC423
Role of Multinationals in OECD Economies 2001, Volume II : Services. Publishing, OECD. JZ1318
Scoundrels : political scandals in American history Martinez, J. Michael author. (James Michael), JK2249 .M377 2023
Second Public Procurement Review of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS). OECD. JF1525
Self-determination struggles : in pursuit of the democratic confederalist ideal Miley, Thomas Jeffrey, author. JC489 .M55 2023
South Korea's wild ride : the big shifts in foreign policy from 2013 to 2022 Rozman, Gilbert, author. JC319 .R69 2024
Specialised Anti-Corruption Institutions : Review of Models. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
State of the Public Service. Publishing, OECD. JF1601
Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les échanges internationaux de services, Volume 2015 Issue 2 - Tableaux détaillés par pays partenaires. Publishing, OECD. JZ1318
Subaltern studies 2.0 : being against the capitalocene Banerjee, Milinda, 1985- author. JV51 .B36 2022
Sustaining democracy : what we owe to the other side Talisse, Robert B., author. JC423 .T2753 2021
Talent Abroad : A Review of Romanian Emigrants. OECD. JV8321
Talente im Ausland : Ein Bericht über deutsche Auswanderer. OECD. JV8020
Tendances des migrations internationales 2004. Publishing, OECD. JV6001
The Christian structure of politics : on the De regno of Thomas Aquinas McCormick, William A., S.J., author. JC121.T5 M45 2022
The Governance of Regulators Governance of Regulators' Practices : Accountability, Transparency and Co-ordination. Publishing, OECD. JF1351
The United States, China, and the competition for control Sisson, Melanie, author. JZ1310
The Western crisis of truth in the early 21st century : as the enlightenment dims Grišinas, Arvydas, author. JA75.7
The body politic in Roman political thought Mebane, Julia, 1989- author. JA85.2.R66 M43 2024
The dilemma of compliance : political parties and post-election disputes Chernykh, Svitlana, author JN96
The economics and law of public procurement : new global scenarios JF1525
The quiet coup : neoliberalism and the looting of America Baradaran, Mehrsa, 1978- author. JC573.2.U6 B37 2024
The sanctuary city : immigrant, refugee, and receiving communities in postindustrial Philadelphia Vitiello, Domenic, author. JV7078 .V58 2022
The sociology of sovereignty : politics, social transformations and conceptual change Rasmussen, Terje, author. JC327 .R37 2023
The soul of civility : timeless principles to heal society and ourselves Hudson, Alexandra, author. JC337 .H8 2023
The tragic mind : fear, fate, and the burden of power Kaplan, Robert D., 1952- author. JA71 .K293 2023
The transnational making of Italian neofascism Albanese, Matteo, 1973- author. JZ1320
Towards a Better Regional Approach to Development in West Africa : Conclusions of the Special Event of Sahel and West Africa Club, May 2002. Development, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and. JQ1873.5
Towards an Open Government in Kazakhstan - Publishing, OECD. JC598
Trends in International Migration 2000 : Continuous Reporting System on Migration. Publishing, OECD. JV6001
Trust in Government : Ethics Measures in OECD Countries. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Two-level role theory and EU migration : negotiations with the Visegrad Group Kozub-Karkut, Magdalena, author. JV7590
U. S. Citizenship for Dummies. Gagliardi, Jennifer. JK1758
Value for Money in Government : The Netherlands 2010. Publishing, OECD. JN5801
Value for Money in Government Public Administration after "New Public Management" : Public Administration after "New Public Management". Publishing, OECD. JF1351
Violence at home or abroad : understanding how rebel leaders respond to domestic unrest Su, Ruolin, author. JC491
Vulnerable minds : the neuropolitics of divided societies Yu, Liya, author. JA74.5 .Y8 2022
West African Mobility and Migration Policies of OECD Countries. Publishing, OECD. JV6271
When Nonviolent Civil Resistance Campaigns Fail Demobilized, Escalated and Negotiated Ends. Ryckman, Kirssa Cline. JC328.3
Working Together : Skills and Labour Market Integration of Immigrants and Their Children in Finland. OECD. JV6035
Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Rome. OECD. JV8139
Yes you can talk politics Swallow, Lisa K., author. JA75.7 .S93 2021
e-Government for Better Government. Publishing, OECD. JF1525
Études de l'OCDE sur l'administration électronique : Finlande 2003. Publishing, OECD. JN7395
Évaluer les activités de construction de la paix dans les situations de conflit et de fragilité - Mieux comprendre pour de meilleurs résultats. Publishing, OECD. JZ5538