Law New Books

generated: Feb 04, 2025 at 07:19am
TitleAuthorCall Number
Ablaufbezogenes Dokumentationsverfahren zum Nachweis der adäquaten Kausalität bei Bauablaufstörungen mit Schwerpunkt Haftungsgrund im Leistungsbereich Landschaftsbau. Möhring, Felix. K4375
Administrative law and policy Scheb, John M., II, 1955- author. KF5402 .S334 2021
Adventurous Thinking : Fostering Students' Rights to Read and Write in Secondary ELA Classrooms. Blackburn, Mollie V. KJE5210
Ancient maritime loan contracts Candy, Peter author. (Peter Frank), KL4316
Animal ethics and animal law K3620 .A957 2022
Anthropological witness : lessons from the Khmer Rouge tribunal Hinton, Alexander Laban, author. KZ1208.C36 H56 2022
Asymmetric power relations and international trade law : a legal analysis of economic partnership agreements Agbo-Ejeh, Inebu C., author. K3943
Aufhebungs- und Erstattungsentscheidungen Nach Dem Sozialgesetzbuch. Uyanik, Markos. K579
Bad subjects : libertine lives in the French Atlantic, 1619-1814 Davis, Jennifer J., 1974- author. KJV8212 .D38 2023
Bakens in de Rechtspsychologie : Liber Amicorum Voor Peter Van Koppen. Horselenberg, Robert. K346
Bassett's environmental health procedures Bassett, W. H., author. KD3359
Bewerten im Naturschutzrecht - untersucht am Beispiel der naturschutzrechtlichen Eingriffsregelung. Strothmann, Torsten. K3478
Bewijs in Letselschadezaken. Verheij, A. J. K2210
Blamestorming, Blamemongers and Scapegoats : Allocating Blame in the Criminal Justice Process. Dingwall, Gavin. K5064
Boîte à outils de l'OCDE sur le contrôle et la mise en œuvre de la réglementation. OECD. KF27
Breaking away : how to regain control over our data, privacy, and autonomy Stucke, Maurice E., author. K4293 .S78 2022
Capitalising on constraint : bailout politics in eurozone countries Moury, Catherine, author. KJE2188 .M68 2021
Carceral logics : human incarceration and animal captivity K3620 .C37 2022
Civil rights queen : Constance Baker Motley and the struggle for equality Brown-Nagin, Tomiko, 1970- author. KF373.M68 B76 2022
Co-operative Tax Compliance Building Better Tax Control Frameworks. OECD. K4466
Comparative Analysis of Cybercrime in the Criminal Law System. Cernomoreț, Sergiu. K5256
Consent for medical treatment of trans youth Jowett, Steph, 1991- author. K3611.I5 J69 2022
Constitutional Processes and Democratic Commitment. Horowitz, Donald L. K3165
Constitutional law K3165
Constitutionalism: Philosophical Foundations K3165 .C628 2001
Copyright Protection of Unpublished Works in the Common Law World. Masiyakurima, Patrick. K1422
Corporate governance in Africa Ediagbonya, Victor, author. KQC309
Counterfeiting, Piracy and the Swiss Economy. KKW1245
Critical race theory : the key writings that formed the movement KF4755.A75 C7 1995
Cumplimiento Regulatorio y Fiscalizaciones en el Sector Ambiental de Perú. OECD. KHQ3421
Customary and Shari'ah law in Arabian society Serjeant, R. B. (Robert Bertram) KMC117
Die Möglichkeit der Beauftragung von Maßnahmeträgern im SGB III und SGB II unter Anwendung des Kartellvergaberechts. Dickmeis, Kamila Maria. K3850
Dignity : Its Essential Role in Resolving Conflict. Hicks, Donna. K3240
Effective Cross-Border Pension Information in the Face of Multi-Level Legal Systems : A Cross-Disciplinary Research into the Cross-border Taxation of Pensions. Kramer, Sander Paul Martijn. KJE6785
Effectively Representing Clients in Family Mediation. Mosten, Forrest S. KF505.5
En de Veroorzaker Dan? : Een Empirisch-Juridisch Onderzoek Naar de Plaats Van de Veroorzaker in de Civiele Letselschadepraktijk. Ruitenbeek - Bart, Femke. KJC1640
Examens du droit et de la politique de la concurrence Droit et politique de la concurrence au Chili. OECD. KHF3758
Felony and the guilty mind in medieval England Kamali, Elizabeth Papp, 1975- author. KD532 .K36 2020
Feminist Engagement with International Criminal Law : Norm Transfer, Complementarity, Rape and Consent. Dowds, Eithne. KZ7162
Fighting machines : autonomous weapons and human dignity Saxon, Dan, 1958- author. KZ5645.5.A98 S29 2022
Foundations of information law Jaeger, Paul T., 1974- author. K3255 .J34 2023
GATS als unmittelbar geltendes Recht in der EU und Deutschland mit besonderem Blick auf Bildungsdienstleistungen am Beispiel von E-Learning. Tiedtke, Esther. KJE6819
Global Health Law and Policy : Ensuring Justice for a Healthier World K3570
Global Health and Human Rights : Principles and Practices K3260.3
Gobernanza de reguladores Impulsando el desempeño del Regulador de Infraestructura de Transporte de Perú. OECD. K4025
Handbook of Terminology : Volume 3. Legal Terminology. Biel, Łucja. K50
Hegemonic finances : funding Athenian domination in the 5th and 4th centuries BC KL4378 .H44 2019
I 60 anni della Legge fondamentale tra memoria e futuro : 60 Jahre Grundgesetz zwischen Herkunft und Zukunft : Atti del convegno dell'Associazione di DIRITTO PUBBLICO COMPARATO ED EUROPEO : Milano, Università Commerciale ''L. Bocconi'', 5-7 novembre 2009. Häberle, Peter. KJE4444.95
Imagined Economies and the Re-Framing of Trade Policy : The Role of Taiwan's Political Elites in Discourses of Cross-Strait Trade Policy. Chiao, Yuan-Ming. K3943
International Approaches to Rape. Westmarland, Nicole. K5197
International aviation law : a practical guide Bartsch, Ronald I. C., 1954- author. K4095
International law's invisible frames : social cognition and knowledge production in international legal processes KZ1249 .I68 2021
Intimations of mortality : medical decision-making at the end of life Reich, Barbara A., author. KF3827.E87 R45 2022
Judicial independence in transitional democracies K3367
Just culture and the criminalisation of air accidents Daniels, Simon, author. K4122
Justifying punishment : perspectives from post-Communist Europe KJC8230
Konsistente Schutzgutbehandlung in Zulassungsverfahren. Kober, Detlef. K3585
LONG TIME BURNING the history of literary censorship in england. Thomas, Donald, 1934-2022 KD4114
La forêt et le Droit : La définition de la forêt en Droit Français. Grandjean, Solène. KJV3304
Making Property Tax Reform Happen in China. K4564
Management by agreement : an alternative to the Industrial Relations Act McCarthy, W. E. J. author. (William Edward John), KD3040
Maritime autonomous vehicles and international law : maritime security perspectives K4150
Mastering appellate advocacy and process Looper, Donna C., author. KF9050 .L66 2024
Medicine, patients and the law Brazier, Margaret, author. KD3395 .B73 2023
National approaches to hydrocarbon development : unitization and unit operating agreements K3915
Natural Resource Damages : A Guide to Litigating and Resolving NRD Cases. Israel, Brian D. KF1298
Ordoliberalism, state, and society : a political theory of social order Malatesta, Olimpia, 1989- author. K487
PREPARING TO MOOT a step-by-step guide to mooting. Cooper, Sarah Lucy, author. KD440
Panorama de Las Administraciones Públicas : América Latina y el Caribe 2017. K3150
Passport entanglements : protection, care, and precarious migrations Constable, Nicole, author. KNQ9358.A44 C66 2022
Pensions and Legal Policy : Lessons on the Shift from Public to Private. Cooke, Amanda. KD3131
Performing Copyright : Law, Theatre and Authorship. McDonagh, Luke. K1447.2
Private law and practical reason : essays on John Gardner's private law theory K235 .P75 2023
Private property and the fear of social chaos Beatty, Aidan, author. K721.5 .B34 2023
Race, racism, and American law : leading cases and materials Bell, Derrick, 1930-2011, author. KF4755
Rechtswidrigkeit Von Umweltzonen. Balbach, Jan. KJE6242
Redistricting : the most political activity in America Bullock, Charles S., III, 1942- author. KF4905 .B85 2021
Regelungen Zum Bearbeitungsentgelt in Kreditverträgen Durch Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen. Greubel, Marco. K1094
Regulatory Enforcement and Inspections in the Environmental Sector of Peru. OECD. K3585
Remedies in construction law Haar, Roger ter, author. KD1641
Restoring the law of restitution of cultural property : complex colonial histories Roodt, Christa, author. K3791
Self-representation : law, ethics, and policy Goldschmidt, Jona, 1950- author. KF8897 .G65 2022
Sharing linked data for health research : toward better decision making Adams, Carolyn, 1962- author. K3611.R43 A43 2022
Shipwrecks, legal landscapes and Mediterranean paradigms : gone under sea Mataix Ferrándiz, Emilia, author. KJA3416 .M38 2022
Since time immemorial : Native custom and law in colonial Mexico Yannakakis, Yanna, 1967- author. KGF2200 .Y36 2023
Sovereignty, migration, and the law : the exclusion of non-citizens Rushton, Patricia, author. K3275
Stoomwals en Wegbereider : Hoe Europa Ons Aansprakelijkheidsrecht Beïnvloedt. Jansen, Kasper. KJE5105
Sécurité d'approvisionnement et énergies Renouvelables en Droit Camerounais : Recherches Sur les Mécanismes de Diversification du Parc énergétique. Bessala, Alain Georges. KQW185.5
Tax Policy and Gender Equality. K3250
Tennessee legal research Childs, Scott, author. KFT75 .C45 2023
The Cambridge companion to legal positivism K331 .C353 2021
The Documentary history of the ratification of the Constitution KF4502 .D63
The Documentary history of the ratification of the Constitution KF4502 .D63
The First Amendment lives on : conversations commemorating Hugh M. Hefner's legacy of enduring free speech and free press values Brotman, Stuart N., interviewer. KF4770 .B76 2022
The Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre : text, translation, and commentary Cooley, Alison, author. KJA128.P57 C66 2023
The Treaty of Versailles a reassessment after 75 years Boemeke, Manfred F.; Feldman, Gerald D.; Glaser, Elisabeth KZ186.2
The U.S. Constitution's Eighth Amendment : bail, fines, and punishments Eastaugh, Charlie, author. KF4558
The credentialed court : inside the cloistered, elite world of American justice Barton, Benjamin H., 1969- author. KF8748 .B277 2022
The eight : the Lemmon Slave Case and the fight for freedom Rosenblatt, Albert M., author. KF228.L466 R67 2023
The good Chinese lawyer : a student guide to law and ethics Evans, Adrian, author. KNQ1630 .E93 2023
The lawyer says : quotes, quips, and words of wisdom K58 .L39 2021
The novels of Justinian : a complete annotated English translation KJA1216 .E5 2018
The politicization of trans identity : an analysis of backlash, scapegoating, and dog-whistling from Obergefell to Bostock Cannon, Loren, author. KF4754.5 .C36 2022
The regulation of medical products : dope, drugs, and devices Gleeson, Penny, 1976- author. KU1529
The responsibility of states for international crimes Jørgensen, Nina H. B. K5301 .J67 2003
The sentimental court : the affective life of international criminal justice Bens, Jonas, author. KZ7230 .B46 2022
The witch of New York : the trials of Polly Bodine and the cursed birth of tabloid justice Hortis, Alex, 1972- author. KF223.B5916 H67 2024
Trials for treason and sedition, 1792-1794. KD371
Trials for treason and sedition, 1792-1794. KD371
Trials for treason and sedition, 1792-1794. KD371
Truth and transparency : undercover investigations in the twenty-first century Chen, Alan, author. KF2750 .C44 2023
Unsound empire : civilization and madness in late-Victorian law Evans, Catherine L. author. KD7897 .E83 2021
Wage regulation under the Statute of artificers Kelsall, R. Keith 1910-1996, author. (Roger Keith), KD3118
Why Women Read Fiction : The Stories of Our Lives. Taylor, Helen. KJE1626
Without trimmings : the legal, moral, and political philosophy of Matthew Kramer K237 .W58 2022