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China under Mongol rule
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Turks and Khazars : origins, institutions, and interactions in pre-Mongol Eurasia
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Environment and society in Roman North Africa
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Reciprocal mobilities : indigeneity and imperialism in an eighteenth-century Philippine borderland
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Yoruba culture : a philosophical account
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Under the cover of war : the Zionist expulsion of the Palestinians
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Turbulence in the Eastern Mediterranean : geopolitical, security and energy dynamics
Reclaiming diasporic identity : transnational continuity and national fragmentation in the Hmong diaspora
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Soldier's paradise : militarism in Africa after empire
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A history of the Middle East since the rise of Islam
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The global African : a portrait of Ali A. Mazrui
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Philippines-Japan relations in the twenty-first century : change and direction
Feudal relations in Iran Azerbaijan & Armenia, 1500-1900
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The History of Saudi Arabia
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Atmospheric violence : disaster and repair in Kashmir
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Bringing Davy home : in the shadow of war, a soldier's daugher remembers
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Histoire de la conquête et de la colonisation de l'Algérie : 1830-1860.
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Making and remaking empire in early Qajar Iran
DS298 .A84 2024
Ashraf, Assef, author.
The Swahili coast : politics, diplomacy and trade on the East African littoral, 1798-1856
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Pflegehorizonte älterer südkoreanischer ArbeitsmigrantInnen : Öffnung und Schließung im Kontext früher Immigration.
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Les Relations Polono-Juives à l'époque de la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale.
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Modern Dharma : seeking family well-being in middle-class Nepal
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Portuguese colonialism and Islam : Mozambique and Guinea, 1930-1974 : from repression to religious seduction
DT36.1 .M33 2023
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The Jalayirids : Dynastic State Formation in the Mongol Middle East.
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Repeating revolutions : the French Revolution and the Algerian war
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Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : sources and approaches
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What the war left behind : women's stories of resistance and struggle in Lebanon
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Mongol Court Dress, Identity Formation, and Global Exchange.
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Decolonisation in the age of globlisation : Britain, China, and Hong Kong, 1979-89
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Strong commanders, weak states : how rebel governance shapes military integration after civil war
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Touched by Biko
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Republic of dreams : ordinary people, extraordinary struggles, and the future of Iraqi Kurdistan
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A categorisation of ancient Egyptian watercraft, from predynsatic petroglyphs to the khufu boats
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Russian sources on Iran, 1719-1748
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Studies on the Jurchens and the Chin dynasty
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Mediterranean peoples in transition : thirteenth to early tenth centuries BCE
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Greater Tigray and the mysterious magnetism of Ethiopia
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BLACK HOLE or, The makings of a legend
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The language of Adinkra patterns
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The Yemeni civil war : the Arab Spring, state formation and internal instability
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Ethnicity, identity, and conceptualizing community in Indian Ocean East Africa
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Afghanistan : a history from 1260 to the present
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A country of defiance : mapping the Casamance in Senegal
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Erasing Palestine : free speech and Palestinian freedom
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Critical black futures : speculative theories and explorations
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Your eyes will be my window : essays
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Varon, Jodi, 1953- author.
Eclipsed entrepots of the Western Pacific : Taiwan and Central Vietnam, 1500-1800
Coptic perspectives on late antiquity
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Aramaic documents from ancient Bactria (fourth century BCE.) from the Khalili collections
DS374.B28 A726 2012
Women in the Valley of the Kings : the untold story of women Egyptologists in the Gilded Age
DT76.8 .S54 2024
Sheppard, Kathleen, 1979- author.
The other great game : the opening of Korea and the birth of modern East Asia
DS910.18 .J34 2023
Jager, Sheila Miyoshi, author.
Studies on Chinese and Islamic Inner Asia
Fletcher, Joseph, 1934-
The conscience of the Party : Hu Yaobang, China's communist reformer
DS779.26 .S83 2024
Suettinger, Robert, author.
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